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Gabrielle Halpern News

Jan 30, 20233 min read
Interview in Décideurs Magazine: " It's urgent to develop hybridisation within companies "
"Tomorrow's company can only be one of continuous hybridisation; it's the only way to avoid crystallisation, confinement and sterility..."

Jan 30, 20231 min read
Interview on Lex Inside - The World of Law: "Let's hybridize our rights"!
"The new hybrid realities escape the classical legal categories which will have to be questioned and transformed"

Jan 29, 20232 min read
"Hybridisation raises questions about the boundaries of companies", Gabrielle Halpern
"The boundaries of companies are being completely challenged"

Jan 29, 20231 min read
On the front page of the newspaper L'Opinion: Gabrielle Halpern among the new intellectual influencers
The philosopher Gabrielle Halpern on the front page of French newspaper L'Opinion

Jan 29, 202310 min read
Contrepoints*: "The philosophy of hybridisation is a philosophy of life"
"All living things are called upon to undergo metamorphosis, plants, animals and human beings; only the dead never change..."

Jan 29, 20232 min read
Interview in *Cadremploi: Halpern, an intellectual who inspires politicians and business leaders
"I learned to be some kind of centaur and made it a way of life"

Jul 13, 20215 min read
"Social, economic and professional hybridization is the major political issue"
Hybridization is an opportunity for the human being, because it constitutes a life impulse!

Jun 13, 20216 min read
Tomorrow, all professions will be hybrid...
No, hybridization isn't just adding digital to what I do...

May 11, 20215 min read
Hybridisation: "building bridges between generations, sectors, places or even uses"
My book is an invitation to come to terms with reality, thanks to this hybrid thought.

May 7, 20212 min read
BE SMART: Culture will save the economy!
It is when it is accessible to the greatest number that art becomes sacred...

May 5, 20213 min read
L’Opinion : Hybridisation, the new challenge for companies
The treasure is not big data, but link data!
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